
ProductionTrac allows you to monitor and track garments, report on PPOH at the press in real-time. You also have the ability to create item level process steps. This tool enhances both production and your customer service.

  • Trac and report staff production with several report options
  • On screen PPOH per device/user with color display indicating current production utilization
  • Trac presser touch up and re-work counts in real-time and with historic reporting
  • Current goal and production counts displayed with production percentage and color
  • Real time integration with Lot Manager, Production commitment and Dashboard
  • Reports integrate with report queue for automated emailing of daily production report

Assisted Assembly

Tired of mistakes from the manual assembly process? You can now use our integrated assisted assembly to get more from assembly bays with complete item and order level tracking and verification.

  • Auto split orders at assembly using dynamic splitting at X pieces. The feature uses first in first out inventory control to keep your assembly bay efficient
  • Easy to read on screen instructions
  • Bay per department or you can mix department in a single bay
  • Print invoices at assembly
  • Print exception lists for items
  • Supports multiple printers if you are using colored invoice paper per store

We offer assembly conveyor support to MetalProgetti, Quicksort and ADAC.

Production Management

Production is the foundation of your business. Let Xplor Spot assist you in the process with easy to use tools, reporting and production controls


  • Collect presser details with minutes between garments, total pieces and total dollars pressed by user and pressing station
  • The daily production report shows clerks days, hours if the day and totals for pieces and time spent on the items
  • Review item details showing the department, category and items pressed for the periods

Item/Garment Level Information

  • On screen feedback to the production floor at the device based on item, customer or order details gathered at detail/marketing
  • All Spot users can view the items current process/plant locations at the item level or in Lot Manager, Production Commitment and Dashboard
  • View process date, time and presser information
  • Improve and enhance your current quality control in your facility knowing who touched what garments at what station & location
  • Pay your pressers the number of garment or dollar value of garments including modifiers and up charges
  • Option to print item information slip at defined/configured process step

Conveyor Integration

Integrate with every major assembly, storage, and kiosk conveyor manufacturer including metalprogetti, quicksort, and ADAC.

Book a Demo

Ready to work smarter not harder? Book your demo to see Xplor Spot in action with a personalized walk through.

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